James J. Andrews, The Great Locomotive Chase And The First Medal of Honor. Volume Seven, Episode Four (Part One)

One of the most incredible stories of the Civil War

James J. Andrews
The General today, on display, Southern Museum, Kenesaw, (formerly Big Shanty) Georgia.
General Don Carlos Buell
General Ormsby Mitchel
Plaque in Atlanta, Georgia denoting the spot where James J. Andrews was hanged on June 7, 1862

James J. Andrews, The Great Locomotive Chase and The First Medal of Honor. Volume Seven, Episode Four (Part Two)

One of the most incredible stories of the Civil War.

Rendition of the execution of seven of the Andrew’s Raiders
The General, refurbished for a celebration with some of the original raiders and William Fuller, conductor, leaning on post.
Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War
John Scott’s Medal of Honor, awarded posthumously after Scott was hanged.
The monument to Andrew’s Raiders at Chattanooga National Cemetery, James J. Andrews grave is in the left forefront


James J. Andrews, The Great Locomotive Chase and The First Medal of Honor. Volume Seven, Episode Four (Book and Music Information)

The book used in this episode was:

“Stealing the General,” by Russell S. Bonds

The music used in the intro of this episode was, “Blast Off to Glory,” by Media Right Productions, and in the outro, “Eyes of Glory,” by Aakash Gandhi