Alphabetized List of Episodes (With Links)

Alphabetized Episodes:


Alcatraz Escape, Anglins and Frank Morris Alcatraz Escape

Andrews, James and Great Civil War Locomotive Chase and First Medal of Honor James Andrews

Alamo, Defenders of the, Bowie, Crockett, and Travis Alamo

Arnold, Benedict Benedict Arnold

Anthony, George Smith and the SS Catalpa George Smith Anthony and the Catalpa


Battleship Bismarck and Gunther Lutjens Gunther Lutjens and the Battleship Bismarck

Bingham, Hiram and the Real Indiana Jones Hiram Bingham

Bradford, William and the Voyage of the Mayflower William Bradford

Bulger, James (Whitey) James (Whitey) Bulger

Bunton, Kempton and the Theft of Goya’s Duke of Wellington Kempton Bunton

Billy the Kid Billy the Kid

Booth, John Wilkes John Wilkes Booth

Bukowski, Charles Charles Bukowski


Cassify, Butch and Sundance Kid Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Carson, Johnny Johnny Carson

Capote, Truman Truman Capote

Capone, Al Al Capone

Carter, Howard and King Tut’s Tomb Howard Carter

Christian, Fletcher and the Mutiny on the Bounty Fletcher Christian

Crazy Horse Crazy Horse

Chicago Black Sox and Shoeless Joe Jackson Chicago Black Sox

Cooper, D. B. D. B. Cooper


Dickens, Charles Charles Dickens

Darrow, Clarence and Leopold/Loeb Clarence Darrow

Duke and Duchess of Windsor The Duke and Duchess of Windsor

Dasch, George and the Nazi U-Boat Raid on America George Dasch


Elser, Georg and the 1939 Beer Hall plot to Kill Hitler Georg Elser

Earhart, Amelia Amelia Earhart


Falcon and the Snowman, Christopher Boyce and Daulton Lee Falcon and the Snowman

Fields, W. C. WC Fields

Fleming, Ian Ian Fleming


Gardner, Isabella Stewart and the World’s Most Valuable Art Museum Theft Isabella Stewart Gardner

Gauguin, Paul Paul Gauguin

Guevara, Ernesto “Che” Ernesto “Che” Guevara


Houdini, Harry Harry Houdini

Heydrich, Reinhard and his Assassination Reinhard Heydrich

Holly, Buddy Buddy Holly

Hitchcock, Alfred Alfred Hitchcock

Hall, Virginia, World War II spy Virginia Hall

Haynes, Captain Al and the Crash of United Flight 232 Captain Al Haynes

Hamilton, Alexander Alexander Hamilton

Holiday, Billie Billie Holiday

Harnack, Mildred Mildred Harnack



Joan of Arc Joan of Arc

Johnson, Jack, World Heavyweight Champion Jack Johnson


Kroc, Ray and McDonalds Corporation Ray Kroc

Kaczynski, Ted, the Unabomber Unabomber

Kahlo, Frida Frida Kahlo

Key, Frances Scott Francis Scott Key


Lutjens, Gunther and the Battleship Bizmarck Gunther Lutjens

Leigh, Vivien and Olivier, Laurence Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier

Lindbergh, Charles Charles Lindbergh

Leopold, Nathan and Loeb, Richard Clarence Darrow

Lee, Robert E. Robert E. Lee

Ludwig II of Bavaria Ludwig II


Maximillian I, Emperor of Mexico Maximillian I

Madoff, Bernard Bernie Madoff

Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette

Marley, Bob Bob Marley

Melville, Herman Herman Melville

Michelangelo Michelangelo


Ngoy, Ted, The Cambodian Donut King Ted Ngoy, Cambodian Donut King

Nietzsche, Friedrich Friedrich Nietzsche


Olivier, Laurence and Leigh, Vivien Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh

Owens, Jesse Jesse Owens

Orwell, George George Orwell


Parker, Colonel Tom Colonel Tom Parker

Petit, Phillippe Philippe Petit

Parsons, Gram Gram Parsons

Poe, Edgar Allan Edgar Allan Poe



Roosevelt, Theodore Theodore Roosevelt

Reynolds, Bruce and the British Great Train Robbery Great British Train Robbery

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Rasputin, Grigori Grigori Rasputin


Sundance Kid and Cassidy, Butch Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Seppala, Leonard and Hero Dogs Balto and Togo Leonard Seppala


Telemark, Norway and Norwegian saboteurs Telemark

Taylor, Kenneth Ambassador and the Iranian Hostage Crisis Kenneth Taylor

Three Stooges, The The Three Stooges

Tubman, Harriet Harriet Tubman



Vermeer, Jan Jan Vermeer

Villa, Pancho Pancho Villa

Van Doren, Charles and the Quiz Show Scandal Charles Van Doren

Van Zant, Ronnie and Lynyrd Skynyrd Ronnie Van Zant


Wilde, Oscar Oscar Wilde

Wizard of Oz Creators Wizard of Oz




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