Georg Elser was interrogated many times by the Nazi government. These interrogations were preserved which is why much of what he did is public knowledge and discussed in these books in detail.
Michelangelo Buonarroti-Simoni was born on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Italy in Tuscany , about sixty miles east of Florence. A month later his father moved the family back to the Tuscan capital. Ludovico Buonarroti’s family were bankers and money lenders and despite the failure of the family bank, Michelangelo’s father managed assets and property that allowed an upper middle class existence. He occasionally served as a bureaucrat and at the time of Michelangelo’s birth he was assigned to Caprese as an administrator within the local government.
The Pieta
in November of 1497, Michelangelo set out for Carrara and the marble quarries there that supplied the legendary stone for the region’s most important art works. In his possession, he had a letter of introduction from the French cardinal to help him to procure the most magnificent marble available. Michelangelo’s personal visit to Carrara was highly unusual, most customers merely ordered a certain amount of stone and had it shipped to Rome or Florence. It would take six months before Michelangelo selected an appropriate block of material and it was not until August of 1498 that Michelangelo began work on his next project: The Pieta, a portrayal of Mary mourning the death of her crucified son, Jesus Christ.
The David
Despite the success of the Pieta, Michelangelo decided to return to Florence in the Spring of 1501. The specifics are not known but certainly his father would have encouraged such a move and the political climate would have quieted greatly after the removal and execution of Savonarola and the installation of a more stable government. Perhaps Michelangelo might have heard rumors that a major commission might soon be awarded concerning an ongoing project of the Overseers of the Office of Works of Florence Cathedral, The Operai. This project was a series of Old Testament statues that were to adorn the exterior of the cathedral. A figure of Joshua was sculpted by Donatello in 1410, and another figure of Hercules was added in 1463. The Overseers then attempted to commission a sculpture of David, but the project ran into continual obstacles including the death of Donatello and by 1500, the massive block of marble intended to be the statue lay unfinished outside of the cathedral workshop. Concerned that the valuable piece of stone would be damaged by continual exposure, the Operai decided to commission Michelangelo to finish the project. He began work on September 13, 1501. As the work progressed, one obvious problem presented itself. Initially meant for the roof of the cathedral, the statue even when finished would weigh over six tons. It couldn’t possibly be successfully lifted off of the ground. The statue, with obvious symbolic overtones concerning the recent expulsion of the Medici and the establishment of a democracy, could be seen as a powerful statement of the determination of the small city-state to repel any incursion by its powerful neighbors. Upon completion in May of 1504, the statue was placed in front of the then Palazzo della Signoria (today’s Palazzo Vecchio). With its piercing glare turned in the direction of Rome as well as the Medici who were already scheming to retake control of the city, the David initially served a political purpose.
The Doni Tondo
Michelangelo is said to have delivered the finished painting with a note requesting the payment of seventy ducats, Doni, a wealthy but financially astute merchant, sent back forty. A typical artwork of this type would usually cost about ten ducats and Doni reasoned that forty was already a very fair price. Michelangelo responded by demanding either one hundred ducats or the return of the painting. Since Doni was happy with the work and it was meant to commemorate his marriage, he gave Michelangelo his original asking price of seventy ducats. This time, Michelangelo demanded double the original price, one hundred and forty ducats. Supposedly, Doni grudgingly paid up. Such a tale is indicative of the self-image that the artist had developed as no mere tradesman.
The Bruges Madonna
Although he was always preoccupied with money and would have personal issues that impacted his output, Michelangelo would never have to struggle for work or commissions again. In fact his reputation spread to the point where rulers of Venice, France and even Turkey attempted to retain his services. All of these attempts failed. However, during this time period a group of Flemish merchants were able to get Michelangelo’s attention and obtain the remarkable Bruges Madonna. They did it by secretly outbidding Pope Julius II. Unlike the Pieta, this statue depicts a younger Virgin and infant Jesus. Approximately six feet tall, this ornate statue features much of the same intricate detail of the Pieta. It also achieved the same artistic profile as some of Michelangelo’s most coveted and prestigious works. The only Michelangelo sculpture to leave Italy during the artist’s lifetime, it was first seized by the French when Bruges was successfully invaded in 1794 and Napoleon decided that he would enjoy its company. It was returned in 1815. The Nazis also stole it in 1944, luckily it was not damaged before being retrieved by the Monuments Men from Hitler’s stash cave at Altaussee, Austria.
Sistine Chapel Detail, The Creation of Adam
1508 would bring Michelangelo the most challenging assignment of his life. He was paid 500 ducats by Julius to paint the ceiling of the chapel of Pope Sixtus, the Sistine Chapel.
The relationship between Julius II and Michelangelo has been dramatized as a nasty battle of wills between two egocentric men. In actuality, Michelangelo’s issue with the Pope stemmed from the reality that Julius’ main focus was to expand the territory of the Papal States and the ensuing warfare that would be required. Michelangelo’s artistic projects would always be secondary to this fundamental.
Moses, St. Peter in Vincoli, Rome
As soon as the Last Judgment was completed the Della Rovere clan began agitating for a completion of Julius II’s tomb. Luckily, Pope Paul wished to have Michelangelo focus on his own pet projects, namely a Vatican chapel dedicated in his honor. The pontiff helped negotiate a new agreement that limited Julius’ tomb to three main sculptures, including the Moses.
Julius II Tomb, St. Peter in Vincoli, Rome
This was accepted and the more modest tomb was brought to a anti-climatic conclusion in 1545, with the completion of two statues, Leah and Rachel, placed to the left and right of Moses in a two story facade installed in the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, the parish of Julius II. Although it has been described as the most impressive burial vault in Rome, Michelangelo summed up his perspective with one sentence “I lost the whole of my youth, chained to this tomb.”
Tomb of Lorenzo Il Magnifico, Medici Chapel, Florence
With the ascendance of Giovanni as Leo X, Michelangelo’s brother Buonarotto achieved a prominent position within the Florentine government. Members of the Medici clan clamored for Michelangelo to return to his hometown and begin work on the unfinished facade of their parish church. A commission was formally offered, enormous amounts of marble were selected and ordered and a wooden model of the new facade was constructed. Just as work was to begin, Lorenzo de Medici, grandson of Il Magnifico and the most enthusiastic supporter of the project, died suddenly. Pope Leo X took another look at the probable expenses and cancelled the project, suggesting that a modest tomb be substituted. The tomb would evolve into the Medici Chapels, burial place of four members of the ruling family, including Lorenzo, Il Magnifico. Michelangelo would have to settle on spending the next two years on this project, also sweating out the death of Leo X and a new pope, Adrian VI, a reformer who bandied about the idea of destroying the Sistine chapel murals.
Minos, The Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel, Vatican City
When Michelangelo refused new commissions from the Pope claiming his contract with Julius heirs’ forbade it until the troublesome tomb was complete, Paul III interceded and helped renegotiate the agreement. This allowed Michelangelo to work on another project, a fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. Conceptually discussed with Clement VII as a depiction of the Resurrection, Michelangelo reconsidered and focused his creation on the the Last Judgment. Twenty-five years after finishing his previous work on the chapel, Michelangelo presented a different kind of painting. This work contained a wide range of emotion, depictions ranging from the sublime to the grotesque, and a focus on nudity that accentuated sensuality. This groundbreaking depiction of such a religious theme was controversial and at least one church official, Biagio da Cesena commented, “it was mostly disgraceful that in so sacred a place there should have depicted all of those nude figures, exposing themselves so shamefully.” He added that the work was more appropriate for a public bath or a tavern. Da Cesena’s reward for his art criticism was his depiction in the lower right corner of the painting, as Minos, judge of the underworld. To underline his contempt, Michelangelo added donkey ears, and a serpent biting Minos’ testicles.
Detail, Sistine Chapel, St. Bartholomew and Likeness of Michelangelo, Vatican City
Michelangelo himself was not above ridicule in this depiction of symbolic judgment. In a central part of the fresco, St. Bartholomew is depicted holding a knife and the skin that represents his death by being skinned alive. This layer of skin has retained a human form and the head adorning this mass is clearly the tortured, gnarled face of Michelangelo. It would not be until the 1920’s that this detail was noticed.
Michelangelo’s Tomb, Santa Croce, Florence
Leonardo knew that the current Pope Pius IV would insist that Michelangelo be enshrined at the finished St. Peter’s Basilica and he was determined to return him to Florence, which was his uncle’s wish. Leonardo hired a cart to surreptitiously and unceremoniously transport the wrapped body back to Tuscany, a trip that took eleven days. Michelangelo was interred with great fanfare in the Basilica of Santa Croce, in Florence, in an elaborate vault sponsored by both Cosimo de Medici and Giorgio Vasari.
Harriet Tubman was born Araminta Ross in the eastern shore region of Maryland in 1822. Her exact date of birth remains unknown. Both of her parents were slaves, Harriet (Rit) Green and Ben Ross.
John Brown
The summer of 1859 also brought a resumption of John Brown’s plan for rebellion. He was already gathering assets in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania in anticipation of his planned attack on the Federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. His plan was to seize the arsenal and armory, incite local slaves to join his rebellion and spread a slave revolt as effectively as possible. Brown was fanatically opposed to slavery with an opposition rooted in a deep religious fervor. He considered himself a divine instrument intent on imposing punishment on those conducting the sinful practice of slavery. Based on his interaction with Harriet Tubman, Brown fully expected her to join his effort. He repeatedly attempted to contact her to no avail but he did meet with Frederick Douglass in Chambersburg. When Douglass realized that Brown was intent on attacking a federal arsenal he told him that “he was going into a perfect steel trap, once in, he would not get out alive.”
St. Gaudens Panel Commemorating 54th Volunteer Massachusetts Regiment, Monument is situated on the Northeast Corner of the Boston Common.
Harriet Tubman also aided in the celebrated 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment in its participation in the attack on Fort Wagner in Charleston Harbor on July 19, 1863. The 54th was one of the first African-American regiments assembled during the Civil War. Commanded by a white abolitionist, Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the 54th was in the vanguard of the assault on Fort Wagner, a heavily fortified beachhead that was part of the defensive infrastructure protecting the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. After a lengthy bombardment, the Regiment began a frontal assault on the fort. Despite heavy losses, the 54th was able to briefly seize part of the south wall but heavy hand-to-hand combat and artillery fire pushed the unit back. Other Union regiments also attempted to breach the fort around its perimeter but were repulsed with terrible losses. An estimated 1,500 hundred Union troops were killed, wounded or captured. The 54th lost over two hundred and fifty men. Robert Gould Shaw was killed in the initial storming of the fort and buried in a common grave with his fellow black soldiers. While the grave was eventually washed away by storms and the remains of these soldiers disappeared, the heroic story of Gould Shaw and his men has been immortalized in the film “Glory.”
William Seward, US Senator and Secretary of State
Five days after the armistice at Appomattox, President Lincoln was assassinated and Harriet’s benefactor Secretary of State William Seward was incapacitated by an assailant involved in the same plot. Although Seward would survive and even attempt to help Tubman in her attempts to receive back pay, she eventually decided to head back to her home in Auburn, NY.
Alexander Hamilton, the Zelig of American military and political history.
Alexander Hamilton, First Secretary of the US Treasury
The circumstances surrounding the birth of Alexander Hamilton are complicated and even when he was born is a matter of dispute. His mother, Rachel Faucette, was of British and French descent. His father, James Hamilton was a Scot. They met on the island of St. Kitts in the British West Indies where James Hamilton was unsuccessfully attempting to build a career trading sugar and other goods.
Crossing the Delaware, December 25, 1776
Although it only involved a total of less than four thousand men and less than twenty-five artillery pieces, the Battle of Trenton is revered as one of the most important moments in US military history. On Christmas night, 1776, George Washington ordered approximately 2,000 troops to begin crossing the Delaware River, near Trenton, New Jersey. Hamilton and his company, now only thirty men in total were part of this attack. In spite of dreadful weather, the entire American force made it across the Delaware River and as dawn approached, marched a dozen miles to the outskirts of the town. At eight in the morning, a coordinated attack on the Hessian barracks began.
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
In the summer of 1791, according to Hamilton, a woman named Maria Reynolds knocked on the door of his Philadelphia home and met with him privately (despite the presence in the house of Hamilton’s wife). She recounted a terrible tale of mistreatment at the hands of her husband, claimed she was abandoned and utterly destitute and pleaded with Hamilton for financial help for her and her young daughter. That very evening Hamilton walked over to Maria’s residence and handed cash to the twenty-three year old and impulsively began a physical relationship that would last for two years.
Aaron Burr
The United States finally began to experience peace and prosperity in the first term of Thomas Jefferson and with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, Hamilton’s former adversary enjoyed his greatest popularity. Hamilton was reduced to practicing law but political developments in 1804 again involved him in New York State politics. It was clear that Jefferson fully intended to dump Aaron Burr as vice-President in the upcoming presidential election. In the machinations surrounding the Presidential election of 1800, Burr had refused to publically state that he was Jefferson’s Vice-Presidential running mate and even maneuvered behind the scenes to try and win in the House of Representatives. As a result Jefferson completely isolated him from any role in the administration and replaced him on the 1804 ticket with New York State governor George Clinton. Burr then decided to run for Governor of New York. He would be soundly defeated in a bitter campaign marked by personal attacks of all kinds. For this, he and his followers blamed Alexander Hamilton. Burr personally began to obsess about the man who had blocked both his Presidential and gubernatorial aspirations.
Key was a prominent lawyer from Frederick, Maryland who, through a sequence of incidents that occurred during the War of 1812, observed one of the most critical episodes in American history.
Map of the Battle of Baltimore
In fact, Ross and Cockburn had decided on a coordinated air and sea attack. Ross would land his troops at North Point, Maryland at the tip of the Patapsco Neck and make the short fifteen-mile march to the city. After the sixty-mile march on Washington, Ross reasoned that he would handle this much shorter distance with relative ease. Because the Patapsco was relatively shallow, the larger warships would not be able to enter the inner harbor area. Instead Cockburn would take the smaller frigates and bombardment vessels upriver to attack Fort McHenry and after extinguishing the guns of the fort, to bombard the city itself, hopefully leading to a major conflagration.
Admiral George Cockburn depicted with the burning Washington, DC
The British army regrouped briefly but within hours began marching briskly towards Washington. 1,200 men halted two miles from the Capitol, Ross continued into the city itself with 200 elite infantrymen. There was zero resistance, any remaining civilians remained inside their homes. The only remaining American activity in the city was the deliberate destruction of the Washington Navy Yard, flames visible on the already dark horizon. Several ships, naval equipment, ordinance and other shipbuilding materials were destroyed to keep them out of the hands of the British. Ross and Cockburn had already decided to burn any public buildings in the city and as the Navy Yard glowed a few miles away, Ross’ units took position around the US Capitol building. The Capitol building itself looked nothing like today’s domed edifice, instead it was two square sandstone blocks connected by a wooden passageway. Under construction since 1793, it was a costly and time- consuming process. The British entered the building, ascertained that no one was present and began smearing gunpowder paste on the walls of the South Wing. Once this was lit, paper and wooden furniture was added and within minutes an intense heat drove the arsonists to the North Wing where a magnificent library was quickly put to the torch. The entire building was soon engulfed in flames.
General Robert Ross, the only man ever to capture America’s capital
Next, Ross, Coburn and a column of men set out to what was known as the “President’s Mansion.” They entered the now deserted home and devoured the food and wine that was supposed to have been served to the President and his guests as that afternoon’s supper. After selecting a few souvenirs but nothing of any value as to avoid being charged with “looting”, soldiers quickly began to pile up furniture and soak mattresses with lamp oil. After some flame was acquired from a nearby tavern, an officer walked through the rooms of the mansion, igniting the makeshift kindling in each room. Madison’s former home was quickly ablaze, Ross, Cockburn and troops admiring their work from a short distance.
General George Armistead, commander of Fort McHenry
Fort McHenry, under the command of Major George Armistead, responded with over fifty cannons from the fort itself, as well as shore batteries on both sides of the river. Some of this fire was accurate enough to force Cochrane to move his ships out of range, approximately two miles away. Here he was content to blast away with his mortars, the Americans unable to reach the British ships. Armistead ordered his guns to cease fire, and the gun crews to take cover. British shells and rockets were landing on an average of over one per minute, by noon hundreds of projectiles had landed on or near the fort. The incendiary rockets were essentially harmless but an occasional mortar shell made its way into the fort and detonated with a tremendous explosion. One pierced the roof of the fort’s powder magazine but failed to detonate, had it exploded it would have blown up 300 hundred barrels of gunpowder, the fort and most of its inhabitants.
Star Spangled Banner Sheet Music from the 1800’s
Although “The Star-Spangled Banner” remained popular during Key’s lifetime, it did not achieve official status for many years. Other songs, including “Hail, Columbia”, “America, the Beautiful” and “My Country, Tis of thee.” would be sung at public events and ceremonies, all achieving unofficial status. It would not be until a congressional resolution, signed by President Herbert Hoover in 1931 that the Star Spangled Banner would officially be named the national anthem.
US commemorative stamp of Francis Scott Key
Key would return to his prestigious law practice in Washington. Thirty-five years old when he wrote “The Star Spangled Banner” he had already argued cases in front of the Supreme Court. He would represent many clients in some of the era’s most prominent legal cases. Key had close political ties to Andrew Jackson and would eventually be named the US Attorney for Washington, DC, a post he held until 1841. He died on January 11, 1843, aged 63.
The other musical selections came from the Audioblocks royalty free music website and in order are: “Modern Elegance”, “Rich Man Going Crazy”, “Logro”, “Birth of a New Morning”, “All Across America.”
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