Tag Archives: Mexico City

The Falcon and the Snowman: Unraveling America’s Cold War Espionage Scandal (Part One)

Christopher Boyce on Australian 60 Minutes
Christopher Boyce, after his rearrest in the state of Washington.
Timothy Hutton, who played Boyce in “The Falcon and the Snowman.”
Sean Penn, who played Daulton Lee in the “The Falcon and the Snowman.”

Arrested for selling secrets to the Russians, their incarceration and Christopher Boyce’s subsequent escape from a Federal prison was headline news.  Ultimately, the Falcon and the Snowman spent decades behind bars.

This podcast episode delves into the story of Christopher Boyce and Daulton Lee, known as the Falcon and the Snowman. It explores their backgrounds in affluent Southern California and how they became involved in selling classified information to the Soviet Union in the 1970s. The episode details Boyce’s work at TRW, a defense contractor, and Lee’s drug-dealing activities. It recounts their initial contact with Soviet officials in Mexico City and the development of their espionage operation. The podcast highlights the contrast between their privileged upbringings and their descent into criminal activities, offering insights into the motivations and circumstances that led to their infamous espionage case.

The Falcon and the Snowman: Unraveling America’s Cold War Espionage Scandal (Part Two)


Christopher Boyce, testifying before Congress, 1985
Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam
Kathleen “Cait” Mills Boyce, 2003
Recent photo of Boyce in Oregon
Cait and Chris Boyce on CNN, 2014

Arrested for selling secrets to the Russians, their incarceration and Christopher Boyce’s subsequent escape from a Federal prison was headline news.  Ultimately, the Falcon and the Snowman spent decades behind bars.

This podcast episode delves into the story of Christopher Boyce and Daulton Lee, known as the Falcon and the Snowman. It explores their backgrounds in affluent Southern California and how they became involved in selling classified information to the Soviet Union in the 1970s. The episode details Boyce’s work at TRW, a defense contractor, and Lee’s drug-dealing activities. It recounts their initial contact with Soviet officials in Mexico City and the development of their espionage operation. The podcast highlights the contrast between their privileged upbringings and their descent into criminal activities, offering insights into the motivations and circumstances that led to their infamous espionage case.

The Falcon and the Snowman: Unraveling America’s Cold War Espionage Scandal: Book and Music Information

The books used to compose this podcast included:

“The Falcon and the Snowman,” and “The Flight of the Falcon,” both by Robert Lindsey, and

“American Sons,” by Christopher and Cait Mills Boyce and Vince Font.

The music used in the Part One intro and Part Two outro was:

Babylon – Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100314

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

Disco Knights by Quincas Moreiras


Frida Kahlo (Volume 2, Episode 7) Part 1

Frida Kahlo, Mexican icon

Frida Kahlo Photographed By Her Father

Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo Calderon was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyoacan, Mexico. Today, Coyoacan, officially a borough of the Federal District, is part of the urban sprawl of Mexico City.  But when Frida was born it consisted of open space, farm and ranch land.  Although her birth probably occurred at her grandmother’s house, Frida would spend her childhood and much of her life living in the Casa Azul, the blue house built by her father in 1904. Carl Wilhelm Kahlo was born in Germany and emigrated to Mexico in 1891, when he was nineteen, his Hungarian father, a wealthy jeweler, paying for his passage.

Frida and Diego Rivera

Known during her lifetime as merely the wife of Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo subsequently ascended to artistic prominence and popular culture fame in her own right, becoming a worldwide social and political icon. Her sickly childhood, painful existence, tortured relationship with Rivera and brief life provided a tragic backdrop to her artistic accomplishment, now recognized as unique and transcendental.  She remains so revered in Mexico that her works have been designated as national heritage objects, prohibited from foreign export.  Internationally, she is now perceived as one of the most important and original artists of the twentieth century.

La Casa Azul

La Cas Azul, Frida Kahlo’s ancestral home.

Frida and Diego Rivera’s House With Separate Residences

In early September, Frida got a telegram from her family back in Mexico City informing her that her mother was seriously ill, her breast cancer now entering a terminal stage.  Accompanied by her American friend Lucienne Bloch, she was forced to take trains and even a bus over the flooded Rio Grande back to the Mexican capital, an arduous journey that took five days.  One week after her arrival, her mother died, leaving her father in a state of grief and confusion.  She would remain in Mexico for a month to grieve with her family and also check on the house that was being built for her and Diego.  Her prospective home would have a bridge that connected two separate wings of the structure, one for her and one for him.